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Board of Directors

  • President: Joyce Stauffenberg

    “ Home ownership changes the trajectory of a family in a tremendous way. Parents who work and provide sweat equity in building their home for the family significantly increases those parent's self-image. Children can see the parents as a type of hero by providing a warm and safe environment and witnesses the hard work it takes to get there. In turn this helps our community grow and thrive. This is the reason I want to be involved in this organization, it's all about the helping families and the community become stronger. I've always admired what Habitat does and now I'm involved and looking forward to all the ways I can assist this wonderful organization.“

    Joined the Board in 2023

  • Vice President: Dominic Flores

    One of my defining characteristics is an overall appreciation for life. Having overcome significant trauma in my life has given me a real compassion for people in need as well. Being a part of the Habitat for Humanity is just one of the ways that I’m able to give back to the community. Through building homes for low income families and partnering with them in initiatives such as “A Brush With Kindness,” we’re able to meet these families where they’re at and provide life changing opportunities. My goal is to add value to the organization by committing my time and talents, serving the community, and seeking out access to funds that will enable us to continue our mission.

    “Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Joined the Board in 2023

  • Secretary: Katie Phipps

    “I truly believe that owning a home still remains the American dream and should be an option available to all grant county residents. My mission is to help Habitat expand this dream throughout our county.”

    Joined the Board in 2023

  • Board Member: Jason Ball

    “ Being in law enforcement serving our community for the last 20 years has provided me with the experience to see people who could use an helping hand and also see many people who deserve to own their own home. My goal is to continue to be that bridge in our community. To be able to serve in this capacity will award me that opportunity. “

    Joined the Board in 2023

  • Board Member: Robin Moore

    “ I first met the board in 2017 when I was invited to their annual Festival of Trees fundraiser. In the spring of 2018 I was asked to join the board and have loved it ever since. I love being part of a nonprofit in our community that strives to build affordable housing is rewarding and helps bring happiness to families in need. I am building a safe, sturdy and secure home for a family — not only for now but for the next generation.”

    Joined the Board in 2018

  • Board Member: Toni Stanford

    “I was introduced to Habitat for Humanity when I started in real estate back in the early 90’s. I instantly fell in love with the mission and have always wanted to somehow take an active part in it. Then, about 4 years ago, I was so excited when I was invited to come to a meeting and consider being a board member. Needless to say, I jumped all over the opportunity. Why Habitat though? The desire to see others succeed, to feel comfort and security, to make someone's life just a little bit better. All of these things are brought together when someone is able to provide a home for their family and it’s such a beautiful thing. Habitat builds hope for so many and sometimes hope is everything. That is why this organization has always had a piece of my heart.”

    Joined the board in 2018


  • Executive Director: Rebecca Mabius

    “I grew up in the South where the local Habitat for Humanity affiliation was well known and helped so many individuals and families. I spent a lot of time working with Habitat for Humanity on the weekends repairing porches, painting bedrooms, or helping wherever I could. I enjoyed working with others in my community to help a community member or family.

    After I moved away from the South, I found ways to give back to each community I have lived in. I believe it is important to support others in the community.

    I am excited to join Habitat for Humanity in Moses Lake. Moses Lake is a small town that has a big heart. And I cannot wait to see how the organization can help the community. ”

  • Administrative Assistant: Emily Gales

    In light of the current state of the world, owning a home seems like something that is no longer attainable, with programs like Habitat, this opens up doors for everyone. Being involved with Habitat is the most important, community-building program I’ve ever been a part of. Working here has given me first hand experience in making a difference. To be able to give back to the community that raised me. Everyone deserves a decent place to live!